When she opened Noon Design Shop with her best friend Maie, Nora Alexander made her dream a reality. Now, the jewelry designer co-owns three of the creative, all American-made shops, selling gifts, home items, and, of course, jewelry - all desiged in-house by Nora and the Noon team. It’s the kind of shop where you go to find an unusual gift, but you leave with something for yourself, too. “I’m so proud of being able to start a company with my best friend doing what we love and making it successful,” Nora says.
She graduated from RISD with a degree in industrial design, and now makes her own beautiful objects for a living, in an environment that encourages creativity for everyone. “We have a truly amazing team of talented, creative ladies. It is so nice going to work everyday in a positive, inspirational environment.” Right now, Nora is working on finalizing her spring and summer line of new jewelry, tea towels and body products. “It’s pretty awesome,” she says. “Stay tuned!”
18 Post Road, Pawtuxet Village | 455-1222
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