We Were There: The Cheese Plate Cheese Tasting


The proclamation ‘Cheese Makes You Happy’ scrawled on the chalkboard proved true at The Cheese Plate in Warren on Wednesday night. Each of the four showcased cheeses were paired with a wine or beer that created an entirely new flavor, making it difficult to imagine ever having one without the other.

One of the most interesting combinations was a German wheat beer paired with a Roquefort-encrusted Chevre – the fruity notes of the beer were amplified by the intensely creamy sharpness of the cheese.

The Cheese Plate was filled with fans du fromage who formed what appeared to be a ‘circle line’, constantly rotating, giving samplers ample time to learn about their next glass of wine and bite of cheese, then shuffling around to enjoy the French music and beautiful afternoon light before making it all the way around again back to the table for the next course.

The most unbelievable part of this event? It was free! Although, we challenge you to try the array of cheeses and leave empty handed, satisfied with the Kraft Singles in your fridge. We stocked up on the Percorino with Truffle and the Roquefort-encrusted Chevre before we left – classy grilled cheese here we come!

Check The Cheese Plate’s Facebook page for the next wine and cheese pairing – see you there.

cheese, plate, warren, tasting, east bay, bay magazine


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